Cat & Kitten Vaccinations

Cat and Kitten Vaccinations

Similarly to humans, vaccines are crucial for protecting your kitten or adult cat’s immune system from dangerous and life-threatening illnesses. Vaccinating your pet is one of the most responsible decisions you can make as a pet owner. South Miami Vets & Pets in Pinecrest, FL, offers core and non-core vaccines to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life. We are here to tell you the vaccines your cat and kitten require and when to schedule them.

Cat vaccine

The Importance of Vaccinations

Vaccines are essential for the long-term health and well-being of your growing kitten or adult cat. Vaccines teach your cat’s immune system how to handle specific illnesses. An inactive virus gets injected into your cat to help its immune system identify and attack the disease. Doing this protects your pet from the disease in the future if it encounters it. Vaccinating your pet helps ensure it lives a long, healthy life.

Vaccines Your Cats and Kittens Should Get

Vaccines are divided into core and non-core categories. Core vaccines are essential for all cats, while non-core vaccines may only be recommended based on your cat’s environment and lifestyle. Core vaccines for adult cats include rabies, feline herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia, while non-core vaccines include feline leukemia, Bordetella, and chlamydia.

Kittens have core vaccines specific to their age. While feline leukemia is a non-core vaccine for adult cats, it is a core vaccine for kittens. Once kittens are old enough, they can receive the standard core vaccines for adult cats. Our veterinarians will recommend non-core vaccines for your kitten based on its environment and lifestyle during its initial wellness visit.

When to Schedule Your Pet’s Vaccinations

Your pet’s vaccination schedule varies based on age and which vaccines it is getting. Some vaccines remain effective for up to three years, while others require yearly updates. Kittens also require more shots during their initial vaccine schedule. Our veterinarians recommend the following vaccination schedule:

•             Feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and leukemia shots between six and eight weeks of age, followed by boosters

•             Rabies vaccine between 14 and 16 weeks of age

•             Yearly updates for feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia

•             Rabies booster every three years

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Pinecrest, FL, to Vaccinate Your Pet Today

If you are searching for a “veterinarian near you” to vaccinate your new kitten or update your adult cat’s vaccines, consider contacting South Miami Vets & Pets in Pinecrest, FL. Call us and schedule a pet exam today at (305) 255-7838 to keep your cat or kitten healthy and protected.

Office Hours

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